Charities, CICs & Community Groups: Finance, Governance & Strategy

Charities and other social enterprises are increasingly becoming an important part of delivering services on a community level.  Facilities and opportunities for the young, old and others in need, community buildings, clubs, sports, arts and activities are run by enthusiastic and inspiring people who want to meet a need in their local area.  Often, these social enterprises and projects are set up as charities, community interest companies and other forms of community groups. Running them brings about responsibilities, governance, reporting to statutory bodies and accounts and taxation implications.  We can assist with this compliance, leaving the organisation itself to operate the vital projects it was set up to deliver.

The recently published 6th Edition of the Charity Treasurer's Handbook is an excellent guide providing a perfect foundation for being a treasurer.  It was co-authored by Elaine our founder and is available by clicking on the image of the book below.  

Charity Treasurers Handbookpng

EA Independent Ltd, 5 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4AN                      Tel: 07792 550862              

Email:              Company Reg No: SC572457